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All Posts by Bronwen Jurado

PIAAC 2023 report reveals a shocking decline in U.S. adults’ literacy skills

The Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), a large-scale study of adult cognitive skills conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), recently published the findings from its 2023 study, showing a significant decline in the literacy, numeracy and problem-solving skills of U.S. adults.  The report

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New York Times Bestselling Author Lauren Groff to Headline ‘Reading Between the Wines’ Literacy League Fundraiser Dec. 2

Media Contact:  Jennie Hess, [email protected] ORLANDO, Fla. (Sept. 11, 2024) – Florida author and three-time National Book Award finalist Lauren Groff will headline the annual “Reading Between the Wines” Adult Literacy League (ALL) fundraiser Monday, Dec. 2, 2024. Presented by Bank of America at the Orlando Science Center, the evening

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Student Marcia Rosales Ceciliano talks language and locks

The first thing Marcia noticed when she met her tutor, Susan, was her long, beautiful hair. As someone who studied cosmetology with an eye for natural beauty, Marcia wanted to tell Susan how gorgeous her hair was. The only problem was, she had no idea how to say it in

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Susan’s journey to success

“Dumb.” “Stupid.” “Slow.” These words, hurled by teachers, strangers and even family members, became the building blocks of Susan’s self-image. She faced the brutality of growing up in the 60s and 70s as a kid with an undiagnosed learning disability. At the time, such differences were not widely understood and

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Falling more in love with the power of words

Volunteer Michael Monarrez Puckett, who teaches an adult literacy class at Orange County Corrections on the mens side, shares his thoughts on teaching, vulnerability and the power of words. As I write this, the day before Valentine’s Day, I reflect on an invigorated love for the power of words to

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Dr. Jose, ALL Student & Instructor

By Amanda Cypriano, Community Engagement Specialist Imagine going through seven years of extensive schooling, establishing yourself as an accredited cardiologist, practicing medicine for over 30 years and then, one day, you are faced with an ultimatum: choose between your hard-won career and your children’s future. This is the decision that ALL

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Freynaldo Adrian Ochoa, ALL Student

“We [immigrants] come to the United States and we think everything will be similar to our country…and that is not correct,” Freynaldo said. Freynaldo was quickly hit with this harsh realization as political issues ushered him out of his home country of Venezuela in 2016. Although he was a licensed attorney back

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Pat King, ALL Tutor

When student Gladys was matched with volunteer tutor Pat, she could not read. Gladys, a 65-year-old woman, could speak English perfectly, yet she couldn’t venture too far from home by car because she couldn’t read road signs. She always had to have one of her kids read her bills for

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