As the demand for tutors in our community increases, we need your help to meet this growing need.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this form to find out more information about becoming a volunteer tutor! Each tutor training runs for 3 hours and we typically hold trainings twice a month. However, depending on availability and demand, training sessions may be held more frequently.
Literacy Impacts Our Entire Community
In our region, 44% of adults do not have the literacy skills they need for home, work and life. In fact, 1 in 5 (20%) struggle with very serious literacy challenges and have trouble reading even the most basic text. An additional 20% can read, but not well enough to meet the demands of today’s society.
Higher Levels of Literacy = Healthier Lives
Central Floridians with low literacy skills suffer poorer health than those with high levels of literacy, and a person’s level of literacy is one of the key determinants of their overall health. Low literacy skills can represent a risk to workplace health and safety; however many employers are not aware that there are any literacy issues among their workforce.
Change The Lives Of Future Generations
Parents play a vital role as their children’s first teachers. The higher the level of a parent’s education, the higher the likelihood the child will succeed in school. Only 27% of parents with below basic literacy levels report reading to their children 5 or more times a week.
Language Makes A New Country Feel Like Home
Immigrants make critical contributions to our society, culture, and economy. However, 60% of immigrants in our region also have low levels of literacy. English literacy allows them to not only survive, but thrive in the United States.